Monday, October 14, 2013

Schematic Layouts

Preliminary Unit Layout

3 Bedroom Unit - 3,000 SF

Condominium Floor Layouts

Overall Site Layout

Tower A (9 Levels)

  • Amenity Space (Level 1)
    • 16,000 SF
  • 2, 3 & 4 BR Condo Units (Levels 2-9)
    • 145,000 SF

Tower B (10 Levels)

  • Amenity Space (Level 1)
    • 20,000 SF
  • 2, 3 & 4 BR Condo Units (Levels 2-10)
    • 200,000 SF

Inspiration and Massing Studies


  • Protractile (adj.) 
    • able to be extended or opened out
    • capable of being protracted, lengthened, stretched or protruded
Research on several cases of protraction throughout nature gives me the sensation of connectivity where parts of a whole are provided a limited range of freedom of motion and exploration. Examples include a cat's retractable claw, the wingspan of a bird and Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man. Hydraulic cylinders and hinges also express this protraction capability.

Design Parti


Connectivity between spaces where forms exhibit a freedom of motion and exploration

Sketches and Schemes



Friday, October 11, 2013

Conceptual Analysis

Stemming from the overarching project theme of HEALTH, my two initial concepts are derived from the following inspirations.


  • Protractile (adj.) 

    • able to be extended or opened out
    • capable of being protracted, lengthened, stretched or protruded
Research on several cases of protraction throughout nature gives me the sensation of connectivity where parts of a whole are provided a limited range of freedom of motion and exploration. Examples include a cat's retractable claw, the wingspan of a bird and Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man. Hydraulic cylinders and hinges also express this protraction capability.


  • Cohere (v.) 

    • to stick together; be united; hold fast, as a part of the same mass
    • to be naturally or logically connected
    • to agree; be congruous
Similar to all natural forms, this inspiration expresses how the composition of elements cohere to make a whole. Muscle, bones, skin, organs etc. combine together to make the body. Below are some other examples. I feel that communities that have logical connections and natural circulation between spaces help promote a positive atmosphere for the public.